
Commercial portraits are essential to familiarise your clients with your team.

In an age when everyone has a camera on their phone you could be forgiven for cutting corners, but there is no substitute for professional portraiture when it comes to introducing your team.
Portrait sessions do not have to be too formal or expensive. Lovegrove Design often absorbs the cost of a professional photoshoot into the overall cost of a design project. The added bonus of this of course is that the photoshoot is being produced with the specific design brief in mind.

Studio portraiture

Location portrature

In a studio

We can provide a small studio location for professional portraits

At your business

We can bring the studio to you and photograph your employees in just a few minutes in your place of business

Action portraiture

Prefer photos of your staff “at work”? We can provide location photographs of your staff doing what they do best

Informal Portraits

We can bring our equipment to any outdoor location to provide informal and relaxed images of your keyworkers

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